
Equal to performing Ḥajj

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  • As conveyed by Imām Bāqir(a): "Ziyārah of the grave of Ḥusayn(a), or the Prophet's grave, or the graves of the martyrs at ʾUḥud carries the same merit as completing an accepted Ḥajj with the Prophet(p)."

  • Shared by Muḥammad b. Sinān: "Imām Riḍā(a) revealed that those who perform the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave will earn the reward of a recognised Ḥajj."

  • ʿAbdullah b. ʿUbayd Anbāri recounts: "When I told Imām Ṣādiq(a) about my inability to perform Ḥajj yearly, the Imām(a) advised, 'Should you desire Ḥajj but lack the means, perform the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave. It will be recognised as a Ḥajj. Similarly, if you wish to perform ʿUmrah but can't afford it, visit Ḥusayn's grave. It will be counted as an ʿUmrah.'"

  • Narrated by ʿAbdul Karīm b. Ḥasan: "Upon asking Imām Ṣādiq(a) the meaning behind equating a ziyārah to Ḥusayn's grave to performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah, the Imām(a) explained, 'Though Ḥajj and ʿUmrah are performed in Mecca, if one wishes to make Ḥajj but lacks the means and visits Ḥusayn's grave instead, they will be credited with a Ḥajj. The same applies if one wants to perform ʿUmrah but cannot, visiting Ḥusayn's grave will credit them with an ʿUmrah.'"

  • As per the Imām(a): "Visiting the grave of the Prophet(p), the graves of the ʾUḥud martyrs, or Ḥusayn's grave is spiritually equivalent to performing a Ḥajj alongside the Prophet(p)."

  • Narrated by Imām Bāqir(a): "A ziyārah to Ḥusayn's grave is tantamount to an accepted Ḥajj with the Prophet(p)."

  • Shared by Imām Ṣādiq(a): "Visiting the grave of the Prophet(p), the graves of the ʾUḥud martyrs, or Ḥusayn's grave is equivalent to making Ḥajj with the Prophet(p)."

  • As recounted by Ibn Abū Yaʿfūr: "Imām Ṣādiq(a) disclosed that if a person wishes to perform Ḥajj but cannot and instead visits Ḥusayn's grave, spending the Day of `Arafah there, their visit will be acknowledged as performing Ḥajj."

  • Shared by Ibrahim b. 'Uqbah: "In a letter I wrote to Imām Kāẓim(a), I asked about the most significant rewards of ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave, and if it equated to performing Ḥajj for those unable to do so. The Imām(a) confirmed, 'For those unable to make Ḥajj, it is indeed equivalent to Ḥajj.'"