- Merits
Equal to Performing Ḥajj and ʿUmrah
5 min read
- Narrated by Um Saʿīd Aḥmasiya: "I queried Imām Ṣādiq(a) about the reward for performing ziyārah to Ḥusayn's grave. The Imām(a) confirmed, 'The reward is equivalent to one Ḥajj and one ʿUmrah.' He then opened and closed his arms thrice to emphasise the magnitude of this reward."
- Recounted by ʿAbdul Karīm b. Ḥasan: "In my conversation with Imām Ṣādiq(a), I sought clarity about equating a ziyārah to Ḥusayn's grave to performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah. Imām(a) explained, 'Ḥajj and ʿUmrah are traditionally performed in Mecca. However, if a person wishes but lacks the means to perform Ḥajj or ʿUmrah, and instead visits Ḥusayn's grave, they will earn the same spiritual reward.'"
- Narrated by Ḥārūn b. Khārijah: "While with Imām Ṣādiq(a), a man inquired about the reward for the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave. The Imām(a) answered, 'Allah has allocated four thousand disheveled, dust-covered angels to mourn for Ḥusayn(a) continuously until the Day of Judgment.' After hearing this, I asked the Imām(a) to confirm the narration that equates visiting Ḥusayn's grave to performing Ḥajj and ʿUmrah. The Imām(a) affirmed, 'Indeed, each visit is equal to performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah.' He reiterated this equivalence ten times."
- Narrated by Abū Khadījah: "Upon asking Imām Bāqir(a) about the reward for ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave, the Imām(a) responded, 'It equals the reward of performing one Ḥajj and one ʿUmrah.' He then stretched his arms wide to indicate the magnitude of the reward."
- Imām Ṣādiq(a) disclosed: "Performing ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave equates to performing one Ḥajj. And once a person has completed their obligatory Ḥajj, a visit to Ḥusayn's grave will equate to performing both a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah."
- As recounted by Yūnus: "Imām Riḍā(a) declared that ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave counts as performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah. However, this doesn't replace the obligation of performing Ḥajjatul Islam1. It will only count as a Ḥajj for those unable to perform the actual pilgrimage. Indeed, every day seventy thousand angels circumambulate the Kaʿba until nightfall. A different assembly of angels then takes over until morning. Yet, the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave is held in even higher esteem by Allah. At the time of each prayer, seventy thousand mournful angels, covered in dust, descend to His grave and will not return until the Day of Judgment."
- Narrated by Um Saʿīd Aḥmasiya: "I sought Imām Ṣādiq's thoughts on the reward for the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave. The Imām(a) answered, 'Indeed, Um Saʿīd, the reward is akin to that of performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah.' To demonstrate the enormity of the reward, the Imām(a) stretched open his arms with fingers bent."
- Recounted by Fuḍayl b. Yasār: "I heard Imām Ṣādiq(a) disclose, 'Allah has assigned four thousand disheveled, dust-covered angels to mourn over Ḥusayn's grave until the Day of Judgment. A visit to his grave is akin to performing a Ḥajj, an ʿUmrah, and paying respects at the graves of the martyrs of ʾUḥud.'"
- As narrated by Ḥusayn b. 'Atiya: "I recall the words of Imām Ṣādiq(a), 'Upon those who perform ziyārah to Ḥusayn's grave, Allah shall bestow the spiritual rewards of both Ḥajj and ʿUmrah.'"
- The words of Imām Ṣādiq(a) resound: "Indeed, Allah will accord the rewards of a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah to those visiting the grave of Ḥusayn(a)."
- Muḥammad b. Muṣādif relays: "Mālik Jahanī once conveyed to me a narration from Imām Bāqir(a), 'Those visiting Ḥusayn's grave with sincere recognition shall be rewarded by Allah with the merits of a Ḥajj, and they will be safeguarded until their return.' When Mālik passed away that same year, I undertook a Ḥajj. After completing it, I approached Imām Ṣādiq(a) and relayed Mālik's narration from Imām Muḥammad Bāqir(a) regarding the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave. The Imām(a) validated this narration, declaring, 'Indeed, O' Muḥammad! The reward is equal to a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah.'"
- Ḥusayn b. Mukhṭār recounts: "Upon querying Imām Ṣādiq(a) about the significance of the ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave, he confirmed, 'The visit carries the reward of performing a Ḥajj and an ʿUmrah.'"
- As narrated by Isā b. Rashīd: "When I asked Imām Ṣādiq(a) about the reward for those who perform ziyārah of Ḥusayn's grave and pray two units of prayer there, he replied, 'Such individuals will be credited with the merit of one Ḥajj and one ʿUmrah.' Then, inquiring if the same applied to those visiting the graves of any Imām(a) whom Allah has commanded obedience to, Imām(a) confirmed, 'Yes, the same reward applies for those visiting the graves of any such Imāms.'"
- Yazīd b. ʿAbdul Malik recalls: "Once while I was with Imām Ṣādiq(a), we saw a group of people on donkeys pass by. Upon inquiring about their destination, and learning that they were headed to the graves of the martyrs of ʾUḥud, the Imām(a) questioned, 'Why are they not visiting al-Shahīd al-Gharīb2?' When an Iraqi present there questioned if such a visit was obligatory, the Imām(a) replied, 'Visiting His grave carries greater reward than performing multiple Ḥajjs and ʿUmrahs.' Yazīd adds, 'The Imām(a) counted the merit of twenty accepted Ḥajjs and ʿUmrahs. Not long after, a man came to the Imām(a) and shared that he had completed nineteen Ḥajjs and requested prayers for the twentieth. The Imām(a) asked if he had visited the grave of Ḥusayn(a). When the man replied in the negative, the Imām(a) told him, 'The reward of visiting His grave is greater than twenty Ḥajjs.'"