
Removes Sufferings and Fulfils Needs

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  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) tells us, "Near you lies a grave which, when visited by those burdened with grief, will find Allah easing their sorrow and granting their desires."

  • Abūl Ṣabāḥ Kanānī recounts hearing Imām Ṣādiq(a) declare, "Near you lies a grave. Those burdened with grief who visit it find their sorrow lifted and their wishes fulfilled by Allah. Four thousand angels reside beside this grave, mourning the departed one since the day he left this world, continuing until Judgment Day. These angels accompany visitors of Ḥusayn back to their homes. If a visitor falls ill, the angels pay them a visit. When the visitor dies, the angels join their funeral procession."

  • ʾIsmaʿīl b. Jabīr narrates, "I once heard Imām Ṣādiq(a) state, 'Ḥusayn was killed in a state of profound sorrow. For this reason, Allah lightens the sorrow of those who visit his grave.'"

  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) explains, "Allah extended our guardianship to inhabitants across different lands, but only the residents of Kūfa accepted it outright. Near Kūfa, there's a grave where any aggrieved person who offers four units of prayer will find their grief assuaged and their wishes granted by Allah."

  • Imām Bāqir(a) recounts, "Ḥusayn, the Master of Karbalā, was martyred in a state of oppression, affliction, thirst, and injustice. It's only appropriate that any aggrieved, distressed, sinful, disheartened, or unlucky person who visits Ḥusayn's grave, prays by it, and seeks proximity to Allah through Ḥusayn will find their grief eased, their wishes fulfilled, their sins forgiven, their life prolonged, and their sustenance increased by Allah. 'Take warning, then, O ye with eyes to see!'"1

  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) asserts, "On the outskirts of Kūfa lies a grave, that of Imām Ḥusayn(a). Any grief-stricken person who visits this grave will find their sorrow eased by Allah."

  • Imām Bāqir(a) says, "Our guardianship was proposed to various lands' inhabitants, yet none embraced it as wholeheartedly as the inhabitants of Kūfa, for within it lies the grave of Amīr al-Muʼminīn. Close to his grave is another (that of Imām Ḥusayn(a)), where anyone who prays two or four raka'at and then petitions Allah will surely have their requests granted. Indeed, a thousand angels encircle this grave each day."

  • Ibn Abū Ya'fūr recounts, "I expressed to Imām Ṣādiq(a) that my yearning to see him fortified me against the hardships of my journey. He responded, 'Do not lament this to your Lord. Instead, why not visit the one to whom you owe more allegiance than me?' This revelation struck me harder than his initial admonition. When I inquired to whom I owed more, the Imām replied, 'Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī(a). Why not visit his grave and seek Allah's assistance for your needs?'"

  • Isḥāq b. Ziyād narrates, "A man told Imām Ṣādiq(a) that he'd sold all his properties with the intention to move to Mecca. The Imām warned him against it, citing the inhabitants' open disbelief in Allah. When the man suggested the city of The Messenger of Allah(p) instead, the Imām asserted they were even worse. When asked for a recommendation, the Imām(a) directed him towards Kūfa, where a twelve-mile stretch of blessings lay, along with a grave that, when visited by those in sorrow, resulted in Allah alleviating their grief."


  1. Holy Qurʾān 59:2