
Visitors Intercede for Others

3 min read
  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) tells us, "On the Day of ʿArafah, those who have visited the grave of Ḥusayn(a) will be granted Allah's mercy before those present in ʿArafah. Their needs will be met, their sins pardoned, and their intercessions accepted. After that, Allah will turn His attention to the people of ʿArafah, blessing them similarly."

  • Sayf Tammār recounts a teaching of Imām Ṣādiq(a), "On Judgment Day, those who visited the grave of Ḥusayn(a) in this life will have the privilege of interceding on behalf of one hundred sinful people, destined for hellfire."

  • Ṣafwān Jamāl narrates his question to Imām Ṣādiq(a), "What is the reward for those who are martyred at Ḥusayn's grave or under the hand of a tyrant?" The Imām(a) answered, "From the first drop of their spilled blood, all their sins will be forgiven. Angels will cleanse the clay from which they were created, removing impurities until it's as pure as that of the devout prophets. Their hearts will be cleansed and filled with faith, and they will stand before Allah, free from every stain. They'll be able to intercede for their kin and a thousand brethren in faith. The Archangel Gabriel and the Angel of Death, along with other angels, will pray for them. Their shrouds and embalming materials will come from paradise. Their graves will be expansive, filled with light, with a door opened from paradise. Angels will deliver gifts from paradise to them. Eighteen days later, they'll be moved to the Sacred Sanctuary to remain amongst the Divine Authorities until all life ends with the sound of the trumpet. When the trumpet sounds again, they'll rise from their graves, and the first to welcome them will be the Prophet, the Commander of the Faithful, and the Imāms. These will give good news to the visitors of Ḥusayn and lead them to Kawthar, where they'll have the honour of providing water to anyone they wish."

  • Sulaymān b. Khālid relates: "I once heard Imām Ṣādiq(a) proclaim, 'Allah surveys the Earth a hundred thousand times each day and night, choosing whom to forgive or punish. Those who visit Ḥusayn's grave, their families, and those they'll intercede for on Judgment Day---even those marked for hell---are forgiven by Allah.' I questioned, 'Even those destined for hellfire?' The Imām(a) affirmed, 'Indeed, unless they are of Nāṣibī.'1."

  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) recounts, "On Judgment Day, a voice will call, 'Who are the followers of Muḥammad's Household?' A multitude only Allah can count will rise and step aside. Then the voice will call, 'Who are the visitors of Ḥusayn's grave?' A group will rise and be told, 'Lead whomever you wish into paradise.' They will guide their chosen ones until others appeal to them, recalling some past favour. The petitioner will be ushered into paradise without delay."


  1. Nāṣibī (Arabic: ناصبي) is someone who is hostile, and publicly display their hostility, towards Imām Alī(a) or other persons from Ahlul Bayt(a).