
Visiting with Maʿrifah

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  • As relayed from Imām Kāẓim(a): "Allah will absolve all the past and future sins of those who perform the ziyārah of Ḥusayn(a) with profound understanding and recognition of his significance."

  • Ḥārūn b. Khārijah recounts: I posed a question to Imām Ṣādiq(a), "People often say that the ones who perform ziyārah of Ḥusayn(a) will reap the rewards equivalent to performing a Ḥajj and ʿUmrah." The Imām(a) affirmed, "By Allah, those who conduct his ziyārah with deep understanding and recognition will receive forgiveness for all their past and future sins."

  • As narrated from Imām Kāẓim(a): "The minimal reward for those who perform ziyārah of Ḥusayn(a) by the Euphrates, maintaining profound understanding of his stature and acknowledging his guardianship, is the forgiveness of all their past and future sins."

  • Imām Ṣādiq(a) tells us: "Allah will absolve all past and future transgressions of those who perform ziyārah of the grave of Ḥusayn(a) with profound understanding."

  • Muthannā Hanāṭ recounts: I heard Imām Kāẓim(a) proclaim, "Allah will cleanse the past and future wrongdoings of those who conduct the ziyārah to the grave of Ḥusayn(a), doing so with deep understanding."

  • As relayed by Hind Hanāṭ: Imām Ṣādiq(a) said, "Allah will forgive both past and future sins of those who perform the ziyārah of Ḥusayn(a) with profound understanding, while acknowledging his rightful leadership."

  • As narrated from Imām Ṣādiq(a): "Those who perform the ziyārah at the grave of Ḥusayn(a), driven by deep understanding, will receive forgiveness for all their past and future transgressions."

  • Qaʿid Hanāṭ recounts: "I addressed Imām Kāẓim(a), 'Some individuals bring food and companions to mourn with them during their ziyārah at the grave of Ḥusayn(a).' The Imām(a) acknowledged, 'I've heard of this. Qaʿid, remember that those who visit the grave of Ḥusayn(a) with profound understanding will be absolved of all their past and future sins.'"

  • Imām Zaynul ʿAbidīn(a) shares: "My father once told me, 'Those who perform ziyārah of the grave of Ḥusayn(a), carrying a deep understanding of him, will be forgiven all their past and future transgressions.'"

  • Qaʿid Hanāṭ narrates: "I approached Imām Kāẓim(a) and expressed, 'May I be a sacrifice for you! Numerous people are performing the ziyārah of Ḥusayn(a), believers and deniers of the Ahlul Bayt's wilāyah, and even women. It has become so prevalent that I've stopped participating out of fear of being recognised.' The Imām(a) remained silent for a while before turning to me and advising, 'O' Iraqi! Regardless of others, you should always continue your visits. Just keep your identity concealed. By Allah, anyone who visits Ḥusayn(a) with awareness of his rights will have all their past and future sins forgiven.'"

  • As articulated by Imām Ṣādiq(a): "Those who conduct the ziyārah of the grave of Ḥusayn(a) with deep understanding are akin to those who have undertaken the Ḥajj thrice in the company of The Messenger of Allah(p)."

  • Muḥammad b. Abū Jarīr Qummī recalls: "I heard Imām Riḍā(a) say to my father, 'Those who perform the ziyārah to Ḥusayn b. ʿAlī(a), possessing deep understanding, will converse with Allah atop His throne on the day of judgment. "Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in gardens and rivers, In an Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign Omnipotent."'"1


  1. Holy Qurʾān 54:54-55